Puerto Rico Attribution Decree

Attribution Decree of the mission of the Order in Puerto Rico to the Province of St. Albert the Great (USA)

Table of Santo Domingo de Guzmán

“After a graced process of mutual cooperation in discernment, the Master has signed the Decree which attributes the mission in Puerto Rico to the Province of St. Albert the Great, USA. This came as the harvest of the dedicated collaboration of Provincials br Diego Serna Salazar (Provincia de San Luis Bertran de Colombia) and br Jimmy Marchionda (Province of St. Albert the Great, USA).

Over a six-month period, several meetings took place on site in Puerto Rico, including Br. Gerard, his assistants, the two provincials, and with Br. Jose Santiago, Vicar and included all of the Brothers of Puerto Rico. These friars-preachers have dedicated many years in preaching the Word of God among a people who have suffered from poverty, natural and medical disasters, and lack of basic resources.

This is a people demonstrating depth of stamina and hope in the face of significant adversity. In addition, there has been notable collaboration among all the members of our Dominican family in Puerto Rico before and during this historic moment in the history of the Order on this beautiful and graced island. Congratulations to both Provinces for this testimony to the Order’s collaborative charism. Blessed Mother Mary and St. Dominic, pray for us begging God to continue to bless the lives of the people in Puerto Rico, Island of Enchantment.”

br Chris Eggleton, OP,

Socius of the Master of the Order for the USA

Attribution Decree of the mission of the Order in Puerto Rico to the Province of St. Albert the Great (USA)
Order of Preachers. Puerto Rico
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