Official News

German Province of Teutonia Re-elects Prior Provincial 

German Province of Teutonia Re-elects Prior Provincial 

The Dominican friars of the German Province of Teutonia have re-elected Brother Peter Kreutzwald, OP, as their Prior Provincial for a second four-year term. The re-election took place at the Provincial Chapter of Teutonia, which was held at the Dominican convent of Heilig Kreuz (Holy Cross) in Cologne, Germany, where the provincialate of the province is located. Br. Peter accepted…

New Prior Provincial of the Province of Poland

New Prior Provincial of the Province of Poland

Brother Łukasz Wiśniewski, OP, was elected the Provincial of the Polish Dominican Province on 29 January 2022. Following his confirmation by Brother Gerard Timoner III, OP, Master of the Order of Preachers, Br. Łukasz accepted his election. Brother Łukasz was born in 1984 in Pasłęk, Poland. He joined the Dominican Order in 2003. In 2004, at the end of the General Chapter in Krakow, he…

New Prior Provincial of the Province of Brazil

New Prior Provincial of the Province of Brazil

After the election and confirmation by the Master of the Order of Preachers, and his acceptance, Brother André Luis Tavares, OP became the 7th Prior Provincial of the Province of Frei Bartolomeu de Las Casas in Brazil, 28 January 2022. Brother André Tavares is 40 years old. He is from Jaboticabal, São Paulo. Before joining the Order of Preachers, he…

Province of Bohemia re-elects Prior Provincial

Province of Bohemia re-elects Prior Provincial

Fr. Lukáš Fošum was born in 1977 in České Budějovice in South Bohemia. After graduating from high school, he studied medicine and worked as an anaesthetist for two years. In 2003 he entered in the Order, made his novitiate in Zvolen, Slovakia, and studied philosophy in Bordeaux and theology in Toulouse, and then obtained the Doctorate in Moral Theology in Fribourg. He was Master of brothers students…

Province of Slovakia Re-Elects Prior Provincial

Province of Slovakia Re-Elects Prior Provincial

The friars of the Dominican Province of Slovakia have reelected Brother Damián Juraj Mačura as their Prior Provincial for the next four years. The election took place on 25 January 2022 at the Provincial Chapter and was subsequently confirmed by Brother Gerard Timoner III, OP, Master of the Order of Preachers, and accepted by Br. Damián.  Brother Damián was born…

New Prior Provincial of the Province of Portugal

New Prior Provincial of the Province of Portugal

The Provincial Chapter of the Province of Portugal, which has been meeting since Sunday, 9 January 2022, in the convent of Our Lady of the Rosary in Fatima, elected Brother José Manuel Correia Fernandes as the new Prior Provincial on the afternoon of 12 January. The Master of the Order confirmed the election and Br. José Manuel accepted and took…

New Postulator General of the Order

New Postulator General of the Order

Brother Massimo Mancini, OP, was recently appointed the new Postulator General of the Order of Preachers by Brother Gerard Timoner III, OP, Master of the Order of Preachers. The appointment received the necessary ratification by the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. Br. Massimo is the successor of Brother Gianni Festa, OP, who has held the office for the past…

A Blessed Christmas to you and everyone you hold dear!

A Blessed Christmas to you and everyone you hold dear!

“AS THE FATHER HAS SENT ME, SO I SEND YOU…” John 20:21 The Father sends his Son – Small, fragile, powerless, that we may understand, welcome, and love Him. The Son sends us, to become like Him. that we may understand, welcome, and love one anothers Christmas is a mission. We are sent, to proclaim: “what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we looked upon and touched with our…

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