Tultenango 2022

“Do not be afraid” by br. Fernando Delgado, OP

“Do not be afraid” by br. Fernando Delgado, OP

Praching of August 2th, 2022 by br. Fernando Delgado, OP
The Lord asks the prophet Jeremiah to write down all the words he has spoken to him. The words that the prophet wrote on behalf of God are not pleasant words: fractures, infection, sores, scars, lack of love, crimes. All these words denounce a situation of sin. Faced with the situation of his people, God shows compassion and announces the renewal, the change and the time of the feast when the people will be the people of God.

Homily by br. Benedikt Robert Hajas, OP

Homily by br. Benedikt Robert Hajas, OP

Preaching of August 6, 2022
Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord
The word of God which we have just heard introduces us to the mystery of today’s feast. The vision that Daniel has in his dream is connected with the judgment in chapter 7, from which we read only some excerpts. There is a judgment upon the kingdoms that were cruelly persecuting the Jews at the time of the prophet because of their faith in the one God.

Homily by br. Michael Hall

Homily by br. Michael Hall

Preaching of August 7, 2022
The Book of Wisdom is arguably the most Dominican book of the Bible
In its chapters we see the author contemplating the working of God in the early history of the people of Israel. We also see him listening to the culture in which he lives, a culture of great religious and philosophical upheaval – and seeking to express the meaning of those great historical events in ways that people would understand.

18th Day – General Chapter of Diffinitors

18th Day – General Chapter of Diffinitors

General Chapter of Diffinitors
Eighteenth Day
Tultenango, August 2, 2022
Tuesday began with the recitation of lauds and the celebration of the Eucharist, presided over by Friar Rafael Colomé of the Province of Hispania; the homily was preached by Friar Fernando Delgado of the Vice-Province of Bolivia. In his homily, Friar Fernando mentioned a fundamental point: “Jesus invites us to walk on the difficulties of life, the problems that hit hard the sense of our mission as preachers.

Preaching by br. Rodolfo Segura Garrido, OP

Preaching by br. Rodolfo Segura Garrido, OP

Preaching of July, 25th 2022 by br. Rodolfo Segura Garrido, OP.
Solemnity of St. James the Apostle
James was called when he and his brother John were mending their fishing nets.
He left the nets and his fellow workers and decided to follow the Lord. He left one group of workers to be part of another group closer to Jesus Christ, formed by Peter, James and John. This is the group that saw Jesus transfigured before them at a particular moment; they also went to the house of Jairus and saw Jesus resurrect Jairus’ daughter. Another moment they shared was when Jesus invited them to pray near him, in Gethsemane, when he was about to give his life.

Preaching by br. William Loh

Preaching by br. William Loh

Praching of August 1st, 2022 by br. William Loh, OP.
Monday of Week 18 in Ordinary Time
There’s something about sharing a meal with someone, indeed our Lord chose this setting for the Eucharist, for worship. There’s an exchange, a giving of oneself, a communion. A bishop in his final days on his deathbed quoted the film Babette’s Feast he said “the only thing we take with us when we die, is what we’ve given away”. Astoundingly God has given us the freedom as human beings, to give of ourselves to others, even offering what little we have we have back to God

Homily by Mons. David Martínez de Aguirre Guinea

Homily by Mons. David Martínez de Aguirre Guinea

Homily of July 31, 2022
XVIII Sunday in Ordinary Time
The first reading of the sage Qoheleth reveals a thought that is well rooted in our comfortable societies. It contains a truth; it is superlative vanity to pretend to hoard limitlessly. It makes no sense to do so, since our life is limited.

Homily by br. Gerard Timoner III, OP, Master of the Order

Homily by br. Gerard Timoner III, OP, Master of the Order

Homily of July 30th, 2022
First Profession
We gather around the table of the Eucharist to give thanks to the Lord for the gift Dominican vocation, the same vocation received by our brothers who will make their simple profession today. We thank the Lord for their parents and family, their “first formators” and ” first formation community”, for the Church calls the family as “school of life and love”. We thank the Lord for the novice master and formation community in Agua Viva for their fraternal accompaniment.

Homily by Br. Kliment

Homily by Br. Kliment

Praching of July, 27th 2022 by br. Kliment
If we take into account the Greek interpretation of this excerpt, and I choose a possible interpretation of verse 16, the prophet asks that the “words of God” (plural) be fulfilled, that they be brought to perfection, that they find their unity and completion and become a “Word” (singular with a capital W).

Homily: Memorial of SS Joachim & Anne

Homily: Memorial of SS Joachim & Anne

Praching of July, 26th 2022 by br. Gregory Pearson, OP.
Memorial of SS Joachim & Anne
Readings: Jer 14:17-22; Mt 13:36-43
We all know that what we believe and say about Our Lady can give concrete expression to what we believe about Jesus her Son;

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