Fr Martin Gelabert Ballester is the New Prior Provincial of Aragon

On the 30th of August 2013, in the course of their Provincial Chapter, the friars of the Province of Aragon (in Spain) elected fr Martin Gelabert Ballester as their new Prior Provincial. The election was confirmed the next day by the Master of the Order, fr Bruno Cador and fr Martin has since accepted the election.
Born in Manacor, Balesares Province, fr Martin made his first profession in the Order in 1967 and was ordained to the priesthood in 1972. He studied philosophy and theology at Valencia and Cardedue, and obtained a doctorate in theology at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland.
He has taught for several years at the Faculty of Theology of St Vincent Ferrer at Valencia. He was also dean of the same faculty for two terms. He has published several books and articles in professional journals and in other media.
He has served in the past as Master of Students, Regent of Studies and superior of several communities. In 2004, he received the title of Master of Sacred Theology (MST) in the Order. He is also a fellow of the Royal Academy of Doctors in Spain.
(01 September 2013)

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