As of Monday May 30, the Dutch and Belgian Dominicans will form one province. This will take place by the reading of a decree by the Master of the Order Fr. Gerard Francisco Timoner III OP who will visit the Netherlands for this occasion.

As of Monday May 30, the Dutch and Belgian Dominicans will form one province. This will take place by the reading of a decree by the Master of the Order Fr. Gerard Francisco Timoner III OP who will visit the Netherlands for this occasion.
In the Pauluskerk in Antwerp (Belgium), which is full of art from past centuries, a ‘new St. Dominic’ was revealed on Saturday 7 May, made by the Dutch painter Egbert Modderman.
The OPTIC network and the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) in Rome signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on 18 March, 2022 to promote the ethical use of technology within the Church and the Order.
IDCJP is looking for a Communications Coordinator Volunteer!
In 2019, the University of Santo Tomas (UST) in Manila, Philippines, was selected as one of the 14 local antennas across 13 countries for an undertaking sponsored by the Fondazione Pontificia Gravissimum Educationis on “Democracy: An educational urgency in pluricultural and plurireligious contexts.”
Right at the heart of the birthplace of the Dominican Order’s founder, nineteen newly elected and re-elected Priors Provincial and Priors Vice Provincial spent ten days of fruitful workshop with the accompaniment of the Master of the Order, Brother Gerard Francisco Timoner III, OP, and members of the General Curia from March 15-24, 2022. Hosting the annual activity this year…
The Brothers of the Vicariate of Rwanda and Burundi Celebrate Their First Vicarial Chapter On February 14-18, 2022, about twenty solemnly professed brothers from the three communities of the Provincial Vicariate of Rwanda and Burundi (Kigali, Bujumbura and Nyagatare) met at the Marie Reine de la Confiance Center in Bujumbura (Burundi) for the first time in a statutory Vicarial Chapter. …
First Monastery of the Order in Spain to Pass under the Vigilance of the Master of the Order. The vigilance of monasteries is governed by Canon Law. In the 2018 Instruction Cor Orans (Praying Heart: CO) on the application of the Apostolic Constitution Vultum Dei Quarere (Seeking the Face of God) on women’s contemplative life, this vigilance has been revised and adapted to the…
After nine years at the head of the diocese of Oran, the Dominican friar, Bishop Jean-Paul VESCO, was appointed by Pope Francis to head the metropolitan archdiocese of the Algerian capital, (27.12.2021). He succeeds Archbishop Paul Desfarges, who has reached the age of retirement . Algiers has a new archbishop. Born in Lyon in 1962, Jean-Paul Vesco joined the Dominican order…
Since February of the present year 2021, some diocesan priests from Colombia and Venezuela have been meeting virtually every two weeks in order to orient themselves towards a Dominican priestly fraternity. Their interest in the charism of the Order of Preachers has been encouraged by their closeness to the friars and to the women congregations of the Order, of which…