Promoter of the History and Heritage of the Order

On the 22nd of December 1216, Pope Honorius III proclaimed a Bull which formally confirmed the foundation of the Order of Preachers. By 2016, it will be 800 years since the Order was founded. In 2009, the Master of the Order, Fr. Carlos Azpiroz Costa initiated a 6 years programme for the celebration of the 800th Jubilee of the Order.
To give the important highlight to the history of the Order in preparation for the Jubilee celebration in 2016, the Master of the Order, Fr. Bruno Cador has charged Fr. Augustin Laffay with the mission of promoting the knowledge of the History of the Order in conjunction with the Historical Institute of the Order.
Fr. Laffay was born at Mulhouse in 1965. He joined the Order in the Province of Toulouse and made profession in 1995. In 2001, he was ordained to the priesthood after his basic formation. Now he holds a Licentiate in Theology and a Doctorate in History. Both in his training and work, we can see his suitability for this mission. In his province, he is the archivist and also the promoter of the 800th centenary of the foundation of the Order. He is also a member of the Historical Institute of the Order.
Fr Laffays mission is basically to promote the Order in the light of the forthcoming Jubilee by making her history and heritage more known and available to the entire Dominican family, the Church and the society. We wish him the best in this mission.

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