General Chapter of Diffinitors
9th day
Tultenango, July 24, 2022
Today is the Lord’s Day, a group of capitulars went to visit the monastery of the nuns of the Virgen Inmaculada de la Salud in Patzcuaro, Michoacan; and another group celebrated the Eucharist in the Retreat House of Tultenango.
In Pázcuaro, Michoacán, the nuns of the Monastery of the Virgen Inmaculada de la Salud received the Master of the Order and the group of capitulars. At the convent, the nuns showed the capitulars the Aquarium “Cez janue in k’umanchikua” “Jimbani Erandi” (New Dawn), and shared the medicinal syrup made from the skin of the “achoque”. In the aquarium, they protect a colony of achoques –salamander cousin of the salamander– Ambystoma dumerilii (scientific name) which are native to Lake Patzcuaro and are in danger of extinction.
The Eucharist was presided by Friar Gerard Francisco Timoner III, OP, Master of the Order, and concelebrated by Friar Luis Javier Rubio, OP, Provincial of the Province of Santiago and Msgr. Leopoldo Gonzalez, Abbot of the Basilica of Patzcuaro. The Abbot welcomed the Master of the Order and the capitular friars, with these words: “The heart of the Virgin beats. Her blue mantle is a reflection of Lake Patzcuaro, but it is also an announcement of heaven, divine home…. Her praying hands are a powerful supplication before God, always faithful and close, an intercession that embraces those who weep and cry in this valley of fleeting joys and tears. This presence of Mary enbodied in the pasta de caña, the indigenous technique in which it was made, a meeting of beautiful and rich cultures, is the reason for the Dominican presence in this beautiful corner of Michoacán for 275 years. The hands and love of the sisters dress and embellish the image not only with their beautiful dresses and precious jewelry, but above all with their filial love and feminine tenderness that only the Virgin can understand and welcome as a delicate treasure. In this loving heart of the Virgen de la Salud we place the Order of Preachers, in it you will find a comforting treasure and an intrepid hope to continue walking in the footsteps of Jesus Christ accompanied and inspired by Saint Dominic. “Welcome to your home, as we say in Mexico, welcome to the house of consolation and hope”.
The Master of the Order emphasized in his homily: “when we were baptized we became adopted daughters and sons of God, so we enter not only into a new relationship with God, but we also enter into a new relationship with Mary, Joseph, the saints, Saint Dominic and all the saints of God. Baptism is part of the horizon of our family relationships. Baptism expands the boundaries of our family. A wise man said: the ultimate essence of religion is revealed in its simplest act, that is prayer. What we believe and who we really are as a Church is revealed when we gather to worship God, to celebrate the liturgy. The liturgy reveals who we are to one another, brothers and sisters, daughter and sons of God.”
Following the celebration of the Eucharist, the Master of the Order and the capitulars together with the Dominican nuns went up to meet the image of the Virgin Mary which is located on top of the main altar of the Basilica.
Afterwards, the Dominican Family of Patzcuaro shared food with the capitular friars, in addition to a series of autochthonous dances with which the friars were introduced to the culture of Patzcuaro, origin of the “danza de los viejitos”, a dance that represents Mexican culture at an international level. The traditional Mexican mariachi band was also present and encouraged the capitulars to sing.
Meanwhile, in Tultenango, the capitulars celebrated the Eucharist. In his homily, Friar Salvatore Di Fazio, OP, asked: “Who are the just who can prevent the destruction of Sodom? Saint Paul is just because “he believed in God, in his mercy, in hope against all hope”.
Friar Salvatore revived optimism after a week of capitular work. And he emphasized the forgiveness taught in prayer by Jesus himself: “In the same prayer we must ask the Father to preserve us from the temptation of despair, so that He may grant us His Spirit and we may understand the times we live in and find the solutions He wants.”
The day ended with the praying of vespers. After this day of rest, the capitulars will resume their respective work.