Fr. Rómulo Vásquez Gavidia is the New Provincial of Peru

The capitular friars of the Province of John the Baptist in Peru have elected fr. Rómulo Vásquez Gavidia as their Prior Provincial. The Master of the Order, Fr Bruno Cador has confirmed the election and fr. Rómulo Vásquez Gavidia has accepted. He succeeds fr Juan Jos Salaverry Villarreal who has just concluded his tenure as Provincial.
Fr Rómulo was born in 1971 at Cajamarca, Peru. He had his postulancy in the Convent where St Martin de orres lived and where the tomb of St Rose of Lima is preserved. He had his novitiate at Cuzco and made his first profession in 1996. After his profession, he was assigned to the Convent of St Albert the Great from where he studied Philosophy and Theology at the Instituto Superior de Estudios Teolgicos San Juan XXIII (ISET). He was ordained to the priesthood in 2002.
He has been a formator both at the postulancy and at the novitiate. He was the Superior of the Community and Parish Priest at San Pedro Martir, Trujillo. Since 2015, he has been the Prior of the Convent of Santo Domingo of Cusco. Fr. Rómulo Vásquez Gavidia has been the Spiritual Director of the Lay Fraternity of St.Dominic.

03 February 2018

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