A new website entirely dedicated to Dominican liturgy has been launched by the Liturgical Commission of the Order (Commissio Liturgicæ Internationalis Ordinis Prædicatorum, CLIOP). On these pages one may find useful documents related to the liturgy of the Order of Preachers, including the most recent revision of the General Calendar of the Order (2019), the calendars of individual provinces that have already finished the approval process, as well as official liturgical books and liturgical texts as renewed in the light of the Second Vatican Council. It is practically a repository on the web that collects all the officially approved documents from recent years.
Appointed in November 2020, the Liturgical Commission is currently engaged in several large projects on which it has been working for the last few years and now intends to bring to a successful conclusion. Among these are the translation into English of the Proper of the Order of Preachers for the Roman Missal and the revision of provincial calendars seeking recognition by the Holy See.
Since the commission’s appointment, there also exists a Sub-Commission on Sacred Music to work on musical aspects of the liturgy. The website will likewise feature the sub-commission’s activities and projects, among which are some compositions in the Dominican tradition.
Part of the commission’s plans for future development of the site is the addition of texts from the tradition of the Preachers, taking into account the different forms of Dominican life. The website would eventually welcome contributions of liturgical texts as well as information about liturgical projects from the provinces of the Order and from all branches of the Dominican Family.
Through this website, the commission hopes to foster unity and harmony of Dominican liturgical life across the whole Order.
Fr. Dominik Jurczak OP