New African Council of the Lay Fraternities of Saint Dominic (ACLDF, 2022-2025)

From April 24 to 28, 2022, the 2nd African Congress of Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic was held at the Corpus Christi Monastery of the Dominican Nuns, in Nairobi, Kenya.

The theme of the Congress was “Contribution of Lay Dominicans to Development in Africa“.

To comply with the preventive measures against COVID-19, it was a mixed congress (online mode for some participants and face-to-face for others).  The official word of welcome and opening of the congress was pronounced by br. Juan Ubaldo López, OP, General Promoter of the Laity, online. The representative of br. Gerard Timoner III, OP, Master of the Order, was br. Ukwe Charles, OP, Socius of the Master of the Order for Africa.

The program was very rich with times of prayer (liturgical prayer, mass, meditation of the rosary and adoration) and teachings delivered respectively by Brother Aniedi Okure, OP, General Promoter of Justice and Peace, permanent representative to the United Nations; Brother Aristide Basse, OP and Professor Adenike Emeke, OP.

This congress saw the election of the new African council of the lay fraternities of Saint Dominic which is composed as follows:

After the words of thanks and prayer from the president, the new board led the discussions on the texts governing the board of the FLD of Africa.  Working groups were set up to finalize the work by country.

The congress ended with symbolic activities with the planting of three nurseries in memory of this second African congress: respectively at the Corpus Christi monastery, at the Dominican friars’ convent and finally at the parish of Saint Catherine of Siena in Kitisuru. A tourist circuit allowed us to visit the Rift Valley before the departure of the delegates.

In spite of the many challenges that await this new council, we are confident because we place our hope in the One who calls to his harvest following our father Saint Dominic.

Mrs Alphonsine Aya KOUASSI – M’Bengue, OP

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