Opening of the Novitiate of the Priestly Fraternity in Brittany

On Monday 11 February, during the Office of Lauds, Father Guillaume Lefloc’h began his novitiate within the newly-formed Dominican priestly fraternity at the monastery of Beaufort.

The ritual for entering the novitiate expresses the desire to give oneself more to God in order to care for one’s neighbour in Dominic’s family. In addition to their commitment to live as a priest of the diocese of Nantes, candidates seek to give special attention to study, contemplation and preaching as heirs to Saint Dominic. 

The ceremony in the choir of the nuns’ chapel in front of the prior of the convent in Rennes gave new perspective on the Order’s message for those in attendance. Something of Dominic’s spirit was made present. The sisters, myself and the members of the lay fraternities present were renewed in our own vocations by the desire of Father Guillaume to become a member of our Dominican family. Yes, after many years in the Order, we see that the desire to give of oneself for the love of God and mankind still dwells in the hearts of men and women today. And the Order is this immense family within the Church, enriched by the lives of those in the past whom we now recognize and celebrate as saints well as by those who live the Dominican life today on every continent. 

Coincidentally, Father Guillaume entered the novitiate on the day we remembered Blessed Réginald d’Orléans. Réginald contributed greatly to the beginnings of the Order. Now, more than 800 years later, he still shows himself to be faithful like Dominic who said to his brothers, “I will continue to be useful to you in heaven!”

There are other priests interested in joining the fraternity who are currently familiarising themselves with the Order and discerning God’s will in this regard. Let us pray for them.

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