The International Commission of Nuns, which now gathers 18 representatives of the different Federations of Monasteries of Dominican Nuns, was convoked by the Promoter General, Brother Fernando García, O.P., on February 18, 2021. The Covid-19 pandemic led to the cancellation of last year’s assembly. This year, however, the meeting was conducted via the online platform with nuns participating from four continents, namely, Africa, America, Asia and Europe.
Following the opening prayer led by Br. Orlando Rueda, O.P., who was also translating for the meeting, the Master of the Order, Br. Gerard Francisco Timoner, O.P., greeted the participants with words of thanks and encouragement for the life of the nuns. He underlined how important they are for the Order. The Procurator General, Br. Benjamin Earl, then explained that work on the revision of the Constitutions of the Nuns has already begun through an ad hoc Commission, which would carry out the update based on the documents Vultum Dei quaerere and Cor Orans.
The Presidents responded by giving their opinion on what they expected from the Commission. Likewise, all the sisters, including those of the sub-commissions “Monialibus”, “Spem Miram” and “Justice and Peace”, did the same. The Master of the Order took the floor again before concluding by thanking and asking for information on the statistics of the Order. He thanked God for the success of the meeting which represented a good start for the work of the Commission. Another meeting would be convened soon.